Mind Full of Everything is a podcast calling for the radical healing of the self and community to outgrow the broken dominant culture of radical individualism and disconnection from our place as interdependent beings, so that we can collectively re-envision a safer, healthier and equitable world. Each episode takes a healing-centric approach to explore the embodied ways in which we can collectively restore and transform our journeys as stewards of community and earth through conversations with writers, researchers, coaches and educators, as well as reflection episodes with the host Agrita Dandriyal on her journey navigating the world as a deeply conscious, culturally-rooted and relational being. Head over to mindfullofeverything.com to inspire and revolutionise your healing journey and work, now.

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Laura Formentini on regenerative healing, grieving cycles and Love in Action
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
In what ways can creative catharsis metamorphose the energy of grief into love which expands beyond our kin and beyond the material? How can we seek inspiration and guidance from nature’s abilities to heal and regenerate in order to recapacitate ourselves as we move through grieving cycles and put love in action?
Today we are joined by Laura Formentini, an author, nonprofit photographer and activist who has worked all over the world with NGOs and resilient people, and who has personally healed from the traumatic loss of her son’s suicide which began from a small act of kindness and human responsibility by a complete stranger and has now evolved into the conceptualisation of getting “unstuck” from grieving cycles as Love in Action. In this episode, Laura and Agrita explore the different pathways for healthy cathartic expression within the context of maternal grief, and how conceptualising the transformation of grief to love as Love in Action can help map out pathways to embodied healing which meet the specific needs of mothers (and others within grief cycles) but also regenerate their capacities to love, nurture and care.
Connect to Laura at lauraformentini.com.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for all episode resources.

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
In what ways can we nurture more loving and reciprocal relationships with our more-than-human kin to outgrow capitalist and colonial conditions of extraction and human domination? How can engaging in rainforest medicinal ceremonies provide personalised pathways to embodied care which honour the needs of humans, the more-than-human and the land?
Today we are joined by Ximena Garcia, the Center Director of Peru’s Rainforest Healing Center, soon to be named Shamanflora. She has lived around the world and experienced life in many different cultures which ultimately led her into the world of Kambo, Ayahuasca and other animal and plant forest medicines. Through practicing rainforest medicine and sharing plant wisdom with her clients, Ximena follows the path of service and healing, for her loved ones, herself and now the world.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com to access full episode resources.
Connect to Ximena via Instagram @an3mix and the Rainforest Healing Centre @rainforesthealingcenter.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Damini Gallagher on embodying cultural identities as women of the diaspora
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
How can we overcome the false dichotomy of biculturalism as people of the diaspora so that we can reclaim the wholeness of our cultural identities and outgrow ‘either/or’ thinking? In what ways can self-expression and embodied creativity help us to become more comfortable in our bodies whilst settling on land, and living within cultures, that are so different to our homelands?
Today we are in conversation with Damini Gallagher, an intuitive coach, trained Vedic counsellor, professional Kathak dancer and mother. By working with the fundamental level of vibration to guide her clients, particularly women, Damini offers pathways in honouring creativity, individuality and material and spiritual abundance by awakening to our inner, experiential wisdom and being aligned to our multicultural identities which shape our being and the ways in which we share our gifts to the world.
Visit saudamini.life to connect with Damini.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com to access all episode resources.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
In what ways can conceptualising the masculine and feminine as foundational archetypes for cultures and life help us to outgrow power-over binary systems and move towards cultures of unity and connection once again? How can the sacred act of remembering the divine feminine and masculine tend to cultural, religious and generational traumas, inflicted by systems of domination, and re-activate the energy balance of the planet?
Today we are joined by Sarah Poet, a truth seeker, thought leader, former school creator turned feminine/masculine integration expert, and, as it turns out, a medicine woman for modern times. It is Sarah’s mission to serve the true evolution of human consciousness, to integrate feminine & masculine on all levels, and to bridge us collectively from separation to connection, unity & wholeness. Sarah helps couples, individuals, and organisations heal the separation traumas inflicted by patriarchal culture and come into deeper connection via integrity, embodied intimacy, resiliency, authenticity, & love.
Sarah will go with you to the depths, responding exactly to your unique path or query, to uncover your deepest and most empowering truths. Watch her TEDx and schedule private work with her at www.sarahpoet.com.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for all other episode resources.
Follow the show on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).
Support the show on buymeacoffee/mindfullagrita

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
David Lewis-Peart on restorative circles and bridging community divides
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
In what ways have reactive activist efforts at restorative community work furthered divide between ‘marginalised’ communities and groups characterised as ‘oppressors’? How can we reimagine reparative work in community so that it holds space for reflection and pause, both integral for long-term systemic change but also acceptance of the multiplicities and complexities that make up our individual and collective bodies?
Today we are joined by David Lewis-Peart, a Toronto-based writer, educator and former TedX speaker whose work looks at identity, race, masculinity, mental health and the concept of the GRACE Principle.
He holds a diploma in Human Services Counselling - mental health and addictions, with certification in Life Skills Coaching, and additional training in Facilitating Restorative Circles, and Family Group Conferencing. He has previously been a member of faculty in both Child and Youth Care and Social Service Work programs in Toronto, Brampton and Oakville.
David has been a founding lead on a number of community service and arts-based initiatives supporting Black and other groups. A former minister, David was co-founder and former coordinator of the spiritual-arts community Sunset Service Toronto Fellowship, honoured by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation in 2014, and again in 2016. In 2015 NOW Magazine Readers Choice Awards recognized Sunset Service as Best Activist Religious Group - Runner-up, with David later being appointed by the Chicago-based Parliament of the World's Religions as Co-Chair of the Next Generation Task Force in 2017.
David has been the recipient of several awards for his work in community-building including the TD Canada LGBT Youthline Award for Achievement in Social Services, the Toronto Community Foundation – Vital People Award, and the inaugural Walden New Thought Awards recognizing socially conscious leaders globally in 2019.
He has regularly contributed to national publications such as Canadian Broadcast Company (CBC), Huffington Post Canada, and Global News, engaging as a thought leader on issues of race, identity, restorative practice and working across difference.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for all episode resources.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).
Support the podcast on buymeacoffee/mindfullagrita.

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
In what ways can deep nostalgia help us reimagine the modern human being to being more integrated in the systems of inter-relatedness of both the Earth, as a whole, and the individual human body? How can past lived, and shared, experiences offer us deeper insights into where ruptures lie in our collective sense of belonging as a human species and how we identify (in our dominant culture) as separate from the more-than-human world?
In this REFLECT episode, Agrita Dandriyal brings to us the lens of nostalgia for reimagining the modern human being in ways that are reminiscent of ancient ways of being, but also serve the needs of our current time as we shift the foundations of power-over systems to one of inter-connectedness, love and stewardship. Agrita is guided by her own spiritual/Hindu standpoint and ancestral wisdom as she explores the medicine of nostalgia for inner child/trauma work and healing fractured human identities as a result of living within systems of creative suppression and restrictive living.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for full episode notes and resources, and ways to support the show.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything) for all updates.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Andrew Lang on redesigning sacred, communal spaces
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
What can redesigning space in community look like after inheriting generations worth of dogmatised, static belief systems on what it means to hold and create space that preserves the inherent dignity of its people, and other spaces? Today we are joined by Andrew Lang, an educator in the Pacific Northwest and an alumnus of the Living School for Action and Contemplation, led by Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, James Finley, Barbara Holmes, and Brian McLaren. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Unmasking the Inner Critic: Lessons for Living an Unconstricted Life. Along with blogging regularly, he facilitates workshops helping people to navigate their inner lives and explore their sense of identity and spirituality.
In this conversation, we explore pathways for redesigning communal spaces to restore their fluidity and sacredness, how abstract spaces are grounded in embodiment practices and hold you as you are, the interweaving layers of shadow work and how shadow work can bring down walls of defensiveness towards radical change in community.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for full episode notes and resources, and ways to support the show.
Access Andrew’s writings, offerings and information on his upcoming book at AndrewGLang.com.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Laura Hyppolite on reclaiming identity as immigrants through poetic storytelling
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
In what ways can art forms such as poetry, which allow for total expression in their purest form, guide immigrants through their journey of reclaiming identity as they navigate foreign lands oftentimes culturally different to their homelands? How can people of the diaspora use storytelling to overcome cultural dichotomies, reinforced by colonial systems, and manage healthy co-existence of both worlds (life as an immigrant and life as a member of their own community) in order to live more connected, wholesome lives?
Mind Full of Everything returns after a 2-month hiatus with this inspiring conversation on reclaiming identity as immigrants through the lens of poetic storytelling with Laura Hyppolite. Laura is is a Haitian immigrant learning to navigate life in the United States. She has a true passion for the power of poetry, and she wants her voice to empower her readers to dive deeper within themselves. Her work transcends the personal and draws on connections with history and society. She poetically weaves tales that travels from the beaches and colours of Haiti to the slate and rough edges of city life in the United States.
To Laura, in poetry there are no imposters, only personal truths which sing throughout one’s work. Through Hyppolite’s view of herself, we learn more about the beauty within each of us. Her first book Ordinary explores the intersections of culture, immigration, and identity.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com to access this episode's shownotes, resources and Laura's website.
Follow the podcast on Instagram and Facebook. Support the podcast by donating at buymeacoffee.com/mindfullagrita.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
*NOTICE: Mind Full of Everything is on a 2-month hiatus, the next episode release will be announced via Instagram.*
In what ways can cultural brokers tend to, and mend, the Western medical divide in order to ensure healthcare in multicultural regions is culturally competent and a safe space for BIPOC patients? How can cultural brokership aid us to bring out the best of both worlds (Western and Indigenous/cultural medicine) and collectively work towards a safer, more equitable and healthier future?
Today we are joined by Snigdha Nandipati, a patient advocate, writer, and first-generation Telugu-American with a strong curiosity for the sciences and a deep appreciation for the traditions of her Hindu culture. As a former Scripps National Spelling Bee champion and Yale graduate with a B.S. in Neuroscience, Snigdha has used her study of science, language, spirituality, and culture to guide her thought leadership. She has delivered a TEDx talk exploring the intersections of science and tradition and makes her authorial debut with A Case of Culture, a book about how patients from different cultures navigate the challenges of Western medicine. Snigdha and Agrita delve deeper into what inclusive cultural brokership can look like in Western healthcare, one which grants enough space and resources for cultural brokers, both within and outside the medical profession, to provide specialised care to BIPOC patients, especially those struggling to navigate practices foreign to them i.e immigrant patients.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for Snigdha's book, services and episode resources.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Burnout healing through disembodying capitalism w/ Laura Hartley
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
How can we begin to disembody the system of capitalism as individuals and communities after having been collectively entrapped in generational cycles of constant growth and burnout? In what ways can we listen, and attend, to our body’s need for safety, rest and movement as we birth a liberated world in community?
Today we are joined by Laura Hartley, an activist, writer & founder of an online school for changemakers. The school’s mission is to empower changemakers across the globe to live their most meaningful lives, while creating their deepest impact. Programs can be found on healing burnout culture, ethical business & the inner work of dismantling capitalism and supremacy culture. Laura is currently based in Sydney, Australia but can often be found around the world. In this conversation, Laura guides us through the systemic issue of burnout through the lens of capitalism, how capitalism has taken over our bodies and communities as systems and the ways in which we can disempower this oppressive system by listening to our personal/collective needs, harmonising ourselves with Nature’s cycles of growth and rest and actively challenging capitalistic conditionings.
Visit mindfullofeverything.com for Laura's website/work and episode resources.
Follow the podcast on Instagram (@mindfullofeverything_pod) and Facebook (@mindfullofeverything).