Mind Full of Everything is a podcast calling for the radical healing of the self and community to outgrow the broken dominant culture of radical individualism and disconnection from our place as interdependent beings, so that we can collectively re-envision a safer, healthier and equitable world. Each episode takes a healing-centric approach to explore the embodied ways in which we can collectively restore and transform our journeys as stewards of community and earth through conversations with writers, researchers, coaches and educators, as well as reflection episodes with the host Agrita Dandriyal on her journey navigating the world as a deeply conscious, culturally-rooted and relational being. Head over to mindfullofeverything.com to inspire and revolutionise your healing journey and work, now.

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Reflection: Reconnecting With Yourself
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
This episode is the final one for 2020, where I have an honest conversation with myself about the way in which I have gone about self-discovery/love and how I learn to have a healthy relationship with myself. Although this episode is all about my personal experiences and journey to acceptance of who I am, this episode is tailored for those willing to embark on a journey of self-discovery and are seeking for strategic ways to do so.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Going Beyond Ethical Consumerism
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
As we become more aware of our collective negative impact on the environment, wide scale emphasis on purchasing locally and from ethical/sustainable brands through the political belief of ethical consumerism has risen. However, many ethical consumers are now starting to question the success of the belief and whether it has resulted in change in the corporate world or whether the problem of unethical and unsustainable production continues to persist but just behind closed doors.
Listen to this episode where I discuss the problems of ethical consumerism, my personal journey with the belief and how we need to find a middle ground between purchasing ethical/sustainable goods whilst also challenging firms/industries to take responsibility for reducing their impact on the planet through consumer activism.

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Men's Mental Health Matters Too with Gretchen Hernandez
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
When a woman joins a department at work that's full of men, she's celebrated as diversity. When a woman prioritises her career over starting a family, or when she juggles family life with work, she's considered strong. When a woman embraces her flaws and is comfortable in her own body, she's looked up to as an example of self-love. But as soon as a man tries to step away from gender roles and redefine his masculinity for himself, people dismiss his efforts because of the notion that men are collectively "too privileged" to be celebrated.
Whilst it's true that patriarchy dominates throughout, very few of us take out the time to understand that toxic masculinity shapes society and that men who don't conform to the traditional masculine image have been suppressed as long as their female counterparts have been. Gretchen Hernandez, a men's mindset coach and host of the My Freedom Grove podcast, works towards changing that narrative through giving a platform to men willing to break out from gender norms, as well as providing a space where men can share their journey with other men. Gretchen is a strong believer that gender equality can only be established when everyone is included and gender stereotypes are abandoned to ensure those that weren't being heard are able to amplify their voices when they are ready.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Reflection: Imposter Syndrome and Jealousy
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
This episode looks at the intersections between imposter syndrome and jealousy, and how the constant fear of being overtaken, in any part of life, drives many individuals to feel, and a lot of the time act upon, their intense hatred towards others that threaten their happiness/success.
All this results in is long-term instability of the mind and large-scale damage to both the jealous person and the person that they felt jealousy towards (which is exactly what I have experienced). Whilst all emotions are valid to feel, jealousy is that one emotion that needs to be urgently transformed, especially when felt frequently, because it highlights insecurities of an individual that stunts growth and destabilises mental wellbeing in the long term.

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Veganism Needs To Be Intersectional
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Veganism has sky-rocketed globally in the past few years, as we begin to evolve into more eco-conscious beings through being hyperaware of our impact on the planet. Although, the fundamental principle of intersectionality, along with the culturally rich history of vegetarianism and veganism, is being erased as quickly as the belief is gaining popularity.
This is a massive issue because veganism has gradually become into a radical ideology, often perpetuated by the white, privileged, hipster image of an ideal vegan, that favours animal rights and livelihoods over human ones. Instead of remaining a philosophical belief rooted in equality for all walks of life, it has become, yet again, a breeding ground for white saviourism that fails to embrace diversity and inclusivity, especially for those non-white communities that don't engage in industrial meat and dairy farming but are sanctioned for going about their "non-vegan" ways that not only are a significant part of their culture but are also not environmentally damaging.
This episode aims to redefine veganism by emphasising on the importance of intersectionality through decolonising the philosophy, and reconnecting it back to it's non-colonial roots as a way to say that all lives really do matter, whether human or non-human.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Systemic Sexism and Gaslighting Domestic Violence Victims with Teri Yuan
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Domestic abuse cases peaked during lockdown across the world, however this alarming rate of gender-based violence has existed well before the COVID-19 pandemic, disproportionately affecting womxn and children in abusive relationships and households.
When 1 in 4 women in the US experience severe intimate partner physical violence and 95% of victims of coercive control in the UK are women, we can easily see that domestic violence is a product of systemic sexism, where female survivors are giving inadequate support when suffering from intimate partner abuse. This situation is then exacerbated when mothers go to court to accuse their partners of physical and/or sexual abuse of their children, and 57-68% of the time lose custody over their children (in the US) when accused of alienation by the abusive father.
This gaslighting of female domestic violence victims needs to stop, whether in institutions such as the criminal justice systems or in society as a whole. This begins by normalising discussion on sex/gender-based inequities and establishing a culture of accountability to shift the focus from reforming abusers to providing permanent safety nets for survivors.

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Reflection: Altruism Gone Wrong
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
It’s safe to say that we have entered into an “altruistic generation”, one that imposes the need to be immersed in charitable causes on all individuals, attacking those that fail to do so. However, if we were to look around, beyond social media and into reality, can we genuinely see any major change? A significant reduction in suffering? In fact, without sounding too pessimistic, pain and suffering has exponentially risen, world issues continue to be amplified, so really, are we in an altruistic generation?
In this reflection episode, I answer all of these questions by looking at the major flaws in modern-day altruism that has emphasised on documenting acts of selflessness instead of understanding the root cause of social issues to bring about sustainable change. This episode is a call to action for redefining altruism by ensuring the communities/individuals asking for support are prioritised over the altruist.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Fighting Period Poverty One Conversation At A Time with Victoria Abrahams
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
We very quickly synonymise stigmatised issues, particularly those concerning the female body, to developing countries' problems. This only belittles the painful experiences of women living in western countries that aren't able to get access to basic needs like period products.
Period poverty is a massive issue in the UK, where 40% of women use materials like toilet paper as makeshift pads and 1 in 4 teenage girls don't know what to do on their first periods. Freedom4Girls helps to tackle the issue of period poverty through making reusable sanitary products available to vulnerable menstruating females free of cost, aswell as removing period stigma through education of the menstrual cycle in the UK, Kenya and Uganda.
When talking to Victoria Abrahams, the operations manager and lead for the Uganda project, it is evident that women still view periods in a negative light, often punishing themselves for undergoing a completely normal and non-preventable process. Until we don't normalise periods, desexualise the female body and encourage women to openly discuss their sexual health, issues like period poverty will continue to persist.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Indigenous Activism Through The Lens of Journalism with Desiree Kane
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Native American communities have faced brutalisation by US constitutions for more than 500 years, yet nothing has changed, in fact things worsen every day. Genocide, rape and incarceration of the Indigenous constantly happen but all that mainstream media will cover is the environmental issues aspect of their struggles, often diluting the intensity of the problem.
The Indigenous communities can't keep fighting on their own, they need the allegiance and support of allies to ensure that future generations don't face the same torture that previous generations have experienced. Black Americans, facing extreme levels of racism and hate crimes too, have always stood by natives, so now it's everyone else's duty to join the fight for justice and peace. Silence only enables white supremacy that affects all ethnic minorities.
REMINDER: You can now buy 100% recycled acrylic pin badges from my website, an eco-friendly alternative to enamel badges. This will help to fund Mind Full of Everything and ensure the podcast continues delivering content you want to hear for longer!

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Overcoming Trauma Through Creativity with Amy Oestreicher
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Amy had always wanted to pursue a musical theatre career and ending up at Broadway some day. So when Amy experienced the pain of sexual abuse and the trauma of entering coma and having her entire digestive system removed due to a blood clot, achieving her dream seemed impossible.
Despite having 30 surgeries, being unable to eat, drink or even walk properly for years, Amy is now a playwright and actress for her own one-woman theatre shows, a Tedx speaker, teaching artist and PTSD specialist. Amy is the true definition of "never giving up", who not only overcame her trauma but has used her creative talent to encourage other trauma survivors to tell their stories and allow their pain to transform into hope and resilience.