Mind Full of Everything is a podcast calling for the radical healing of the self and community to outgrow the broken dominant culture of radical individualism and disconnection from our place as interdependent beings, so that we can collectively re-envision a safer, healthier and equitable world. Each episode takes a healing-centric approach to explore the embodied ways in which we can collectively restore and transform our journeys as stewards of community and earth through conversations with writers, researchers, coaches and educators, as well as reflection episodes with the host Agrita Dandriyal on her journey navigating the world as a deeply conscious, culturally-rooted and relational being. Head over to mindfullofeverything.com to inspire and revolutionise your healing journey and work, now.
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
BeautifulPlanet: Healing Power of Nature
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Nature, the entire planet in fact, provides us with an exceptional amount of resources and ecosystem services that we fully depend on to survive. Everything we consume and utilise is of natural origin, so when we talk about the healing powers of nature, it should not surprise us when we see the variety of ways nature supports our wellbeing/health.
This episode discusses the medicinal, economic, social and mental health benefits nature brings to us all, with an emphasis on the importance of protecting the "free" services and products that we have so taken granted for.
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Deconstructing Racism
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
The death of George Floyd has sparked a revolution of change, as the whole world fights for elimination of systemic racism in the US and beyond. What began as a protest has now become a movement to challenge those systems that allow for innocent black people to be killed and brutalised, just for the colour of their skin.
As a woman of colour myself, I am very familiar with racism, but never to the extent to which the black community experience it every day. Therefore, this episode aims to discuss not just how systemic racism can be eliminated but also being able to overcome differences within yourself. The Black Lives Matter movement is NOT a trend, therefore Mind Full of Everything pledges to make all future episodes more inclusive and diverse than they already are.
Wednesday May 27, 2020
BeautifulPlanet: The Migrating World
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Migration for many organisms is a vital aspect of their lives, yet one phenomenon that continues to perplex scientists, in terms of the magnitude, duration and intensity. Whilst most reduce these annual migrations to just a survival strategy, there is perhaps a deeper meaning and purpose behind the treacherous journeys so many organisms take. Listen to this episode that discusses the beauty and enigma of these mass movements taking place across kingdoms!
Tuesday May 12, 2020
BeautifulPlanet: Lessons from the Elephants
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Elephants have and continue to be glorified in the animal kingdom. However, it's not just their majestic, unique and strong build that makes them beautiful. These animals, although probably having no idea of their positive benefit on the planet, have a lot to teach us all in many ways. Listen to this second episode of the BeautifulPlanet series on how we can all be more human by adopting the elephant way of living.
Monday Apr 27, 2020
BeautifulPlanet: Language of Trees
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
What we know language to be is very much based off of what we as humans interpret as communication, rather than what it truly may be. We identify sound and mobility to be key aspects of communication, whereas the plant kingdom contradict this through communicating in an entirely different way.
This episode is the start of a new Mind Full of Everything episode series called Beautiful Planet (BP), where each episode discusses an aspect of our wonderful world to remind us of the beauty that we aren't able to access right now during lockdown but can appreciate and support nevertheless. Listen to this episode to hear about the importance and uniqueness of the language of trees!
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Staying Positive
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
As efficient and relatively easy modern life has become, it has become even harder to keep your wellbeing in check. Staying positive, a segment to long-term happiness, is indeed very difficult to maintain when surrounded by constantly negativity, whether in the form of the current COVID-19 pandemic or hurdles in daily life. Listen to this episode to hear about the four key habits/traits I focus on, and many others, to maintain long-term positivity in practically every situation.
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Living In A Loud World
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Talk louder. Stop being so shy. You don't speak much, do you? If you stay this quiet you won't get anywhere.
These statements/questions have been asked to a particular part of society for as long as any member of this part of society can remember. The part that is always looked down upon by their louder counterparts, the introverted part of society. We all know, or should know, that just like sexuality can never be a choice, how introverted or extraverted you are can also not be chosen. It's an inherent part of your genetic makeup. Yet extraverted individuals are deemed as better employees, romantic partners, friends and just better humans.
If you have been faced with such questions and been looked down upon for your quieter ways, or if you just want to find out more about the struggles of an introvert, listen to this episode on how it's like living in a world that's just too loud for many of us.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
The Fast Fashion Crisis
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
It's safe to say, the fashion industry has exploded over the past few decades. Blame social media, influencers or the modern way of living, our habit of renewing our wardrobes with the latest fashion trends has resulted in the rapid production and consumption of clothes well known as "fast fashion".
Fashion for many, including myself, is a means to express yourself and to feel confident in the way you present yourself. However, our unhealthy addiction to overconsumption of fast fashion items has taken a massive toll on the planet and wellbeing of textile workers. Listen to this episode to hear why fast fashion is both unsustainable and unethical and why we all need to reduce our contribution to the industry.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Planting Trees Won't Save The World
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
We understand that humans have a dominating role in causing the climate crisis, therefore a great deal of emphasis has been made on mitigating the effects of anthropogenic climate change. One such tactic is reforestation, which acts to both compensate for the dramatic human-induced loss of trees and to create more carbon sinks to offset anthropogenic emissions. However, it isn't as simple as it seems; this notion of extensive tree planting being the solution to mitigating climate change is infact harmful for ecosystems and functionality of forests in the long-term, including their ability to sequester carbon. Listen to this episode to hear why tree planting is really as complex of a process as is climate change itself.
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Poor mental health is one of the biggest issues of our society today, so much so that it has become an epidemic on a global scale, affecting anyone and everyone. However, it continues to remain a taboo topic, one that many still find too uncomfortable to talk about, especially when suffering it themselves. This has only made it worse for those going through mental health issues, resulting in the records of self-harm and suicide to rapidly increase in the past years.
This episode is not a guide to dealing with mental health problems, but rather a plea for you to understand the importance of removing the stigma around mental health. It's an urgent appeal for you to listen to others' pain with an open heart and mind, and to make valuable relationships where you also can freely express your suffering without fearing judgement.