Mind Full of Everything is a podcast calling for the radical healing of the self and community to outgrow the broken dominant culture of radical individualism and disconnection from our place as interdependent beings, so that we can collectively re-envision a safer, healthier and equitable world. Each episode takes a healing-centric approach to explore the embodied ways in which we can collectively restore and transform our journeys as stewards of community and earth through conversations with writers, researchers, coaches and educators, as well as reflection episodes with the host Agrita Dandriyal on her journey navigating the world as a deeply conscious, culturally-rooted and relational being. Head over to mindfullofeverything.com to inspire and revolutionise your healing journey and work, now.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Planting Trees Won't Save The World
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
We understand that humans have a dominating role in causing the climate crisis, therefore a great deal of emphasis has been made on mitigating the effects of anthropogenic climate change. One such tactic is reforestation, which acts to both compensate for the dramatic human-induced loss of trees and to create more carbon sinks to offset anthropogenic emissions. However, it isn't as simple as it seems; this notion of extensive tree planting being the solution to mitigating climate change is infact harmful for ecosystems and functionality of forests in the long-term, including their ability to sequester carbon. Listen to this episode to hear why tree planting is really as complex of a process as is climate change itself.

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Poor mental health is one of the biggest issues of our society today, so much so that it has become an epidemic on a global scale, affecting anyone and everyone. However, it continues to remain a taboo topic, one that many still find too uncomfortable to talk about, especially when suffering it themselves. This has only made it worse for those going through mental health issues, resulting in the records of self-harm and suicide to rapidly increase in the past years.
This episode is not a guide to dealing with mental health problems, but rather a plea for you to understand the importance of removing the stigma around mental health. It's an urgent appeal for you to listen to others' pain with an open heart and mind, and to make valuable relationships where you also can freely express your suffering without fearing judgement.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Expectations vs Necessities
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
We are all well aware of the phrase "Don't have any expectations" when it comes relationships, people and situations. Yet we are all so quick in describing our ideal types and our "dream" lives.
Expectations and necessities, or standards, are two distinct layers in relationships but in daily life, we tend to confuse the two, which can lead to serious problems in the health of your relationships. Listen to "Expectations vs Necessities" to hear how you can separate your expectations and standards better to sustain healthier and happier relationships.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Should You Homeschool Your Children?
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Homeschooling is not a modern concept; it began to grow dramatically in the 1980s, particularly because Christian/Catholic parents wanted their children to be educated in a religious environment. Then why does the stigma around homeschooling exist today?
Listen to "Should You Homeschool Your Children" to find out about why homeschooling provides as high of a quality of education, perhaps even better, than formal education and why many families have opted to educate their children for themselves.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
More Big Talk, Less Small Talk
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Have you ever felt the rush of excitement, the burst of adrenalin rush and immense contentment after a "great" conversation? Now think back to what it was about the talk that made you feel so happy, and you will probably realise it was because it was big talk.
Big talk is what everyone enjoys engaging in, be it frequently or whenever opportunity arises yet we all fail to have meaningful conversations regularly due to the nature of life. Listen to this episode to hear about the power of big talk, its importance and the four simple ways you can incorporate it in your life to make your relationships feel more alive and intimate.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
The Problem of FGM
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
WARNING: This episode is on a sensitive topic and may be upsetting for those that have experienced/been at risk of FGM. This episode however will not be discussing graphic details of the procedure nor will it be sharing any personal accounts of victims.
Female inequality continues to impact societies today and FGM is a product of such gender inequality that affects females from certain regions of the world. FGM has no health benefits yet it's deemed necessary by many communities. Listen to this episode to find out why communities undergo FGM and what we can do to help eliminate this practice.

Monday Oct 07, 2019
The Social Injustice Of Climate Change (pt 4.2)
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
NOTE: listen to pt 1-4.1 before this episode as all parts are part of the climate change series!
This part follows directly on from pt 4.1, continuing on looking at the issues of the climate crisis on the African Anthropocene, female inequality, poor in the developed world and mental health of the vulnerable.

Monday Oct 07, 2019
The Social Injustice Of Climate Change (pt 4.1)
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
NOTE: listen to pt 1-3.2 before listening to this episode as these are part of the climate change series!
For years the climate crisis has been seen as only an environmental issue, but in fact climate change has become a massive social issue. Everyone is affected, but the most vulnerable of society are at the forefront of this climate crisis: the developing countries.
Listen to pt 4.1 of this climate change series to find out exactly how climate change is no longer affecting just the environment, but also we who live in this environment, especially those that have no impact to climate change.

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Our Food Is Feeding Climate Change (pt. 3.2)
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
NOTE: if you haven't already, listen to pt. 1, 2.1 and 2.2 as all are part of the climate change series.
This part carries on from pt 3.1, discussing solutions for reducing our agricultural emissions, for governments, farmers and of course the public, so YOU!

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Our Food Is Feeding Climate Change (pt 3.1)
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
NOTE: listen to pt 1, 2.1 and 2.2 if you haven't, as these are part of the climate change series.
We know the effects of climate change on food, but what about its impact on the climate? The impact is big, so big that the emissions are larger than any human activity, making agriculture the largest greenhouse gas emitter, BIGGER than fossil fuel industries.
Listen to pt 3.1 to find out about how our food is feeding climate change.